Trainings Classes



The non-invasive body sculpting industry is expected to reach a value of $9.1 Billion in 2024 in the US alone.
Brow & Body Studio is an 8-time certified Body Sculpting Training center holding over 20 different body sculpting and spa certifications. Our knowledge and expertise in the non-invasive body sculpting industry is profound.
Brow & Body Studio encourages generational wealth and financial freedom which is why one of our main goals is to provide other women with the tools needed to own and operate their own spa.
Additionally, ongoing group mentorship is provided post certification for trainees to provide additional support while embarking on the startup of their new businesses. 
We also offer refresher technique courses, virtual one-on-one trainings, and pre-recorded at your pace courses. 


 Next Class Date TBA


We would love to be a part of your 6-figure journey!

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