Pre & Post Treatment Instructions

Pre & Post Appointment Instructions

Please be sure to read our pre and post treatment instructions in its entirety to ensure that you are properly prepared for each treatment session.


  • All new customers are required to schedule a virtual or in-person consultation prior to the start of ANY treatment. No exceptions.
  • All new customers are required to arrive 5 minutes prior to the start of treatment sessions to complete required consent forms to prevent shortening treatment sessions. Not valid if your consent form has been completed in advance.
  • Drink 1 liter to 1 gallon of water prior to your scheduled appointment. NO WATER, NO RESULTS! Water helps with the elimination of toxins & excess fluid that accumulates post treatment and also prevents dehydration. We recommend starting 24 hours prior to your scheduled treatment appointment.
  • Alcohol is prohibited while actively receiving nonsurgical body sculpting treatments. Particularly 48-72 hours prior to and after your body sculpting appointments. 
  • You must bring your waist trainer and/or shapewear with you to your appointment. If you do not have one, you may purchase one from us. 
  •  Continue to consume water 48-72 hours post treatment to help with removing toxins from the body organically.
  • Do not consume aspirin or any blood thinning medications prior to your sculpting appointment. This can cause excessive bruising. 
  • Avoid carbonated and caffeinated beverages 48-72 hours prior to and post body sculpting treatments.
  • No meals 2 hours before and after your body sculpting treatments if receiving abdominal services. When you resume eating, please keep in mind the healthier, the better your results will be. Increasing your fiber intake is ideal
  • No smoking! If you are a heavy smoker, please don’t schedule. Your results will be minimal.
  • Absolutely no appointments while on your menstrual cycle. 


V-Sculpt, Skin Tightening, and Face Sculpting Treatments

  • Intimate areas must be shaved or waxed 48-hours prior to your sculpting appointment.
  • Avoid direct sunlight 24 hours post treatment to prevent irritation after any face sculpting and tightening treatments.
  • Wear sunscreen immediately after any face sculpting and tightening treatments.
  • You may experience redness or itchy-ness, do not scratch the area, this is your body producing new collagen. Apply the suggested oil and/or creams.

Abdomen and Back Sculpting Treatments

  • We recommend starting off with a detox tea or juice 1 week prior to your sculpting appointment.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that you do not mind getting soiled. Gels and/or oils are used during most sessions.
  • You must bring a waist trainer, compression is key. If you do not have a waist trainer, we do have waist trainers on hand that are available for purchase.
  • Wear your compression garments and/or shape wear a minimum of 8 hours daily and immediately after your body contouring appointment. If you are able to compress longer, it is encouraged.
  • Post Op clients should be in their compression garments nonstop. 

Vacuum Butt Sculpting and Hip Enhancement Treatments

  • If you have received vacuum butt sculpting treatments, wearing buttocks shapewear is recommended.
  • We recommended pairing your butt and hip sculpting treatments with targeted exercises and with our butt enhancement retail products for maximum results. No excessive cardio while actively in treatment.
  • If you have received hip enhancement treatments, you will need to refrain from wearing tight fitting garments around this area during the length of your treatments. 

Fat Dissolving (Meso Lipo) Via Hyaluronic Pen/Electroporation

  • You will experience a slight pinch and mild burning while fillers or fat burners are administered with the hyaluronic pen, this is normal.
  • Post Treatment there will be raised whelps this is normal and typically clears the skin in 2 weeks for most.
  • No water to the treatment area 24 hours post treatment.
  • Massage the treatment area daily. If you feel knots, this is normal, continue to massage the treatment area in an upwards motion. 
  • No excessive cardio if receiving hyaluronic fillers to the gluteus or hips until recommended treatment is complete, target exercises only.

Sauna Detox Sessions (Blanket)

  • It is a requirement that you consume 1 liter to 1 gallon of water pre-treatment to prevent dehydration.
  • If you prefer to wear clothing during session, wear cotton garments only and bring a change of clothes.
  • Disposable garments (panty and bra) will be provided for those who wish to enter the sauna blanket without clothing. We prefer this method for better results.

Teeth Whitening 

  • Phone usage is prohibited during treatment sessions.
  • Consent forms must be completely truthfully & entirely either prior to session or upon arrival to treatment session. Please arrive 5 minutes prior to the start of session to complete consent forms to prevent shortening treatment sessions.
  • Teeth whitening treatments are nt intended for those with poor dental hygiene or who have not visited a dentist for a cleaning longer than 1 year. The healthier your teeth are, the better your results will be. 
  • Please arrive with clean and brushed teeth. Disposable toothbrushes are provided upon request and teeth must be brushed prior to the start of treatment.
  • Some may experience gum sensitivity post treatment if there has been a history of gingivitis, gum disease, or unhealthy brushing habits.
  • If you are a heavy smoker or drinker, you may see minimal results the 1st session, this is normal, multiple sessions are encouraged.
  • Spotting may occur 1-2 hours post treatment but will dissolve within 24 hours for most and is normal. 
  • Refrain from drinking extremely hot or cold drinks 24 hours post treatment to avoid sensitivity. 
  • Refrain from drinking colored beverages 24-48 hours post treatment to avoid additional staining. (Coffee, dark sodas, teas, etc) For optimum results we discourage the use of dark colored beverages in its entirety. 
  • Brush with sensitive tooth paste at least 1 week post treatment.
  • Sessions can be completed every 72 hours.

Ice Sculpting Therapy

After treatment your body has a targeted inflammatory response to the cold. This causes fat cells to rupture and naturally be removed through your lymphatic system. This natural and non-invasive biological reaction results in a reduction of the density and thickness of fat layers. Combined with a healthy lifestyle you can experience a permanent change in your body shape.

Over the next 48 hours your body returns to a better state or condition, with reduced pain, inflammation, and increased energy levels. recovery times from workouts and injury are also improved.

To boost your metabolism and to receive the benefits of Ice Sculpt Therapy make sure to…

  • Start drinking water only 24-hours pre-treatment and continue post-treatment to flush out toxins.
  • No alcohol consumption 48 pre-treatment and 48 hours post treatment
  • No food 2-hours prior to your sculpting treatment and 1 hour post treatment.
  • Make sure to ask a physician if this treatment is a compatible with any medical conditions you might have.
  • Disposable garments are required and will be provided.
  • You will feel a very cold exposure for the first couple of minutes. This will allow for natural triggering of thermogenesis, this is normal.
  • Cold showers – improve the activation of thermogenesis.
  • Eat lighter – healthier lifestyle will allow for better less inflammation in your cells and for more permanent results.
  • Continue a regular and consistent Ice Sculpt Therapy treatments for faster and longer lasting results.

General Post Treatment Instructions

  • Once you have reached your target body contouring goals maintenance appointments are suggested every 1-2 months depending on your lifestyle.
  • There may be slight bruising that may occur at the target treatment area(s), this is normal. However, if the bruising remains longer than 3 days with no improvement, please contact our office. 
  • If you return to your old lifestyle your results will be minimal and the fat will return.
  • We encourage healthy eating, exercises, and incorporating our maintenance products to help you on your body sculpting and weight loss journey.


Check out some of our premier products to help you along the way.